A small miracle


Frances has been with me for almost 3 years. In the beginning catching her involved hunting her into the stable where she would run round and round in a panic throwing herself against the walls, until I eventually cornered her and got a headcollar on, after which she would shake and clack her teeth. Over time this has improved markedly, but she still runs around the stable a few times before I can get the headcollar on her.

I prefer to leave severely traumatised ponies like Frances to make progress at their own pace but sometimes they have to be caught for veterinary procedures or farriers or dentists and that’s why I had to catch her yesterday. We have had a dreadful infestation of lice this winter, everyone’s complaining and Frances had rubbed herself raw overnight. I caught her, put the cream on and when I came back later  she allowed me to walk up to her and rub her head and neck without being held on a lead rope. Just like that. And it wasn’t a flash in the pan.

This morning I was able to do it all over again.This is a miracle.

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